Совята не поделили завтрак. The owls didn't share their breakfast.
Совята не поделили завтрак, сова решила съесть его сама. Один совенок полетел за ней и пытался выпросить мышку, несколько раз он садился около совы, но она снова взлетала и перелетала на другое место и так повторялось несколько раз. Возможно, сова начала приучать совят к самостоятельной охоте.
The owlets did not share their breakfast, the owl decided to eat it herself. One owlet flew after her and tried to beg for a mouse, several times he sat near the owl, but she took off again and flew to another place and this was repeated several times. Perhaps the owl began to accustom the owlets to independent hunting.