Articles. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Путешествие в долину Спити: снежные барсы и духовное наследие Гималаев

Долина Спити, расположенная в Индийских Гималаях, является одним из наиболее уединённых и завораживающих мест...
Articles. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Парк Крюгера, ЮАР

Парк Крюгера является одним из самых популярных национальных парков в Южной Африке и одним из крупнейших заповедников...
Articles. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Budget safaris tips and tricks

When it comes to embarking on a budget safari, there's a common misconception that it equates to a compromise in...
Articles. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Kruger National Park, South Africa

Kruger National Park, located in northeastern South Africa, is an iconic and internationally renowned wildlife...
Articles. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka

Wilpattu National Park is one of Sri Lanka's most significant wildlife reserves. It is located in the northwestern...