Wildlife photography is a genre I explore and practice with profound passion. I am captivated by the ever-changing diversity of nature, which continuously surprises with its fragility and complexity. Hidden within every corner of this world are unique animals, birds, insects, and other creatures that embody the beauty and harmony of the natural world.

Through my photography, I aim to showcase this beauty and inspire others to recognize the importance of protecting and preserving this invaluable treasure. Nature offers us an endless array of forms, colors, textures, and movements, and my goal is to capture these fleeting moments and convey their grandeur and elegance.

I believe that every photograph depicting the animal world and its connection with the environment can spark reflection, encouraging people to reconsider their impact on nature and make more responsible choices to safeguard it. We must realize that this stunning and unique natural world can be easily lost if we fail to treat it with care and respect.

Wildlife photography allows me to share my perspective on this delicate yet breathtaking realm of living beings. I hope that my images can evoke a sense of awe and admiration for nature in viewers, inspiring them to cherish and protect it. By doing so, we can ensure the survival of the incredible life that surrounds us, preserving it for generations to come.

WildLife. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Грани бесконечности

Долгие часы болотная сова неподвижно переносила проливной дождь, словно сливаясь с неукротимой стихией. Но стоило ему стихнуть, как она ожила в мощном рывке, сбрасывая капли воды, которые разбегались вокруг её головы, напоминая вращающийся диск Вселенной. В этом завораживающем движении отражается фрактальное единство микромира и макромира: каждая капля подобна крошечному осколку бесконечного космоса. Так природа напоминает, что и в полёте капли дождя, и в необъятном пространстве галактик заключены те же законы мироздания.

WildLife. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Owl’s Gaze

I observed this owl for three months as she raised her three owlets during an unusually bountiful year for mice. She grew accustomed to my presence, and I came to know her morning routine in fine detail. She would typically wake with the sunrise, bask in the sunlight, stretch, preen her feathers, shake off the last remnants of sleep, and set off on her morning hunt. She’d take flight with calm confidence, never wary of me but always keeping a watchful eye on my every move.

Yakhroma, Moscow area, Russia, July 2024

WildLife. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Fearless Yet Fierce: The Defiant Owlet

This image features a bold young short-eared owl, one of three siblings raised during an unusually plentiful year for mice. Unlike its more cautious broodmates, this owlet displayed a fearless nature, allowing me to approach within arm’s length—a rare privilege in the wild. However, the line was drawn when my camera came too close. Instinct took over as the owlet hissed and snapped its beak, a fierce display of defense despite its small size. The raw energy and determination of a creature both brave and protective, embodying the spirit of survival in nature.