
Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Серая неясыть и шесть совят. Tawny owl and six owlets.

В одном из московских парков серая неясыть высидела шесть совят. In one of Moscow's parks, a tawny owl raising six...
Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Мандаринки. Mandarin Ducks

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Нырки. Pochards

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Нырки, гуси, лебеди. Pochards, geese, swans

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Нырки, пеганки, лебеди. Pochards, shelducks, swans

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Мандаринки Mandarin ducks

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Мандаринки. Mandarin ducks

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Зимородок KingFisher

Зимующий в Москве зимородок. A kingfisher wintering in Moscow.
Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Сова и зимняк. Owl and Rough-legged Buzzard

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin


Сегодня прекрасная погода, пофотографировал чаек в контрсвете, встретил канюка и цаплю на пашне. Today the weather...
Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Цапли. Herons.

Сегодня пустовато. Цапли быстро улетели. It's a bit empty today. The herons quickly flew away.
Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Фифи на рассвете. Wood sandpiper at dawn.

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Фифи. Wood Sandpiper

Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin


Пасмурно, снимать тяжело. Цапли, чайки, утки, стая скворцов — все как обычно. Cloudy, hard to shoot. Herons,...
Шестой совенок. The sixth owlet. Wildlife photography by Sergey Puponin

Цапли. The Herons.

Сегодня встречалось много цапель, но подкрасться к ним не удалось. Они сразу разлетались в разные стороны....